Sample preparation
ChromSolutions Focus on Chromatography sample preparation utilising Solid Phase Extraction and provision of consumables.
Sample preparation prior to analysis can be the most crucial part in the development and implementation of an analytical method.
How important is Sample preparation and how time-consuming can it be?

Allocation of time to each preparation step reveals the room for increase in productivity. Source: LC/GC Magazine Vol.9, #1, pp 16-20 (July 1991)
Solid-Phase extraction (SPE)
Solid-Phase extraction (SPE) is a technique that extracts compounds from a sample matrix based on their physical and chemical properties. The goal of any SPE method should be to efficiently extract compounds of interest removing them from the bulk sample environment. In addition to this the goal should also be to reject unwanted elements of the sample matrix that would otherwise prove problematic in the analytical method in terms of inaccuracies of data or shortening the life time for example of expensive chromatographic columns or potentially excessive instrument downtimes and increased service costs. SPE as a clean-up and concentration technique can be applied to almost any sample type typically these could be urine, blood, water, beverages, soil, and animal tissue. Given the sheer number of chemical compounds required to be extracted and analyzed from a wide range of sample types and also the increase complexity of analytical instrumentation (GC/MS, LC/MS), the greater the need is for a more targeted and efficient clean process.
Supply of application dependant SPE consumables

- All cartridge format sizes and sorbent phases both silica and polymer based.
- Flash chromatography columns.
- 96 well plates.
- SPE disks available in 47mm and 90mm diameters – mainly non-polar and ion exchange.
- Manifolds both vacuum and positive pressure to all types of the above SPE formats.
ChromSolutions disk-based methods for the trace enrichment of priority pollutants in industrial effluents are particularly popular.
Next Step
For more information on SPE, SPE consumables or SPE training courses from ChromSolutions please contact us using the details below:

Contact details for ChromSolutions:
Telephone: +44(0)7966 783845
e-mail: info@chromsolutions.co.uk